What is Hardcore, what does it mean? For someone it\'s music at high bpm, for someothers it\'s complex and for others it\'s simple, for some may be something really dark and others think it should be really party and happy. We think it\'s all of this all at once, Hardcore means power. nnOur new ep tells a story, a story of people having fun, jumping on the beat of \"Keep on rocking\", people that want it more heavy and dark, like the collaboration with Alien T \"My drug:the competition\" or just people that wants to get fucked up, with the 200bpm drill \"Goodbye\". nnEven if we can be considered just noise makers we like to spread a message with our music: n\"Keep on rocking\" pays a tribute to Steve Jobs, with his famous speech about life, \"My drug: the competition\" talks about our relation with the competition, one of the current biggest problems in life, and \"Goodbye\"... well, it\'s the closing track of our performance, so it just say goodbye.nnC.Nardelli (Art of Fighters)
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