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DEEZL and So Juice bring that real Gearbox sound to life with CYBERGORE
![Sharon van der Werf](/thumbs/300x300/@0.47x0.43/gfx/news/sharonhscom.png)
DEEZL and So Juice delivered a mind-blowing performance at REBELLiON last Sunday. The atmosphere that these two Gearbox DJs managed to create during their CYBERGORE set is unparalleled. Some visitors even called it the best set of the weekend. “THIS IS CYBERGORE!”
With CYBERGORE, DEEZL and So Juice are catching everyone’s attention. After the premiere of the live-act at REBiRTH and a successful follow-up at Intents Festival and Faceless, it was the REBORN RAW area of REBELLiON’s turn last weekend. An area that actually turns out to be too small, because it has been quite full from the start and during the set more and more people come to the gated kicks and disturbing sounds. The area eventually becomes so packed that it has to be closed off temporarily – an impressive achievement for the two.
DEEZL and So Juice brought CYBERGORE to life at REBELLiON
With CYBERGORE, the Gearbox duo puts on a great show where a good portion of intense visuals would not be out of place. Even though there aren’t many CYBERGORE tracks on Spotify yet, the audience is ecstatic throughout the entire set. Many raw enthusiasts know how to participate in every drop flawlessly, from ‘THIS IS CYBERGORE’ to an edit of Luminite’s ‘Metal & Blood’.
Halfway through the set, an edit of Riot Shift and So Juice’s track ‘666’ blasts through the speakers. The kicks of this So Juice edit go straight to the bone. “Can it get any harder?!” shouts a visitor as he stares into space in disbelief, before completely going wild.
“Can you hear me through the white noise?!"
When ‘WHITE_NOISE’ is played, the entire audience screams the lyrics at the top of their lungs and when ‘ONLY DEATH’ blasts through the speakers, there is no stopping anyone. The Gearbox duo easily increases the tempo to 220 BPM at the end of the set. “Thank you guys so fucking much,” is heard through the microphone at the end of the set. With tired but satisfied faces, the hall slowly empties after people have enjoyed the characteristic Gearbox sound for half an hour.
Images via REBELLiON / EDM Kevin
![cybergore REBELLiON DEEZL So Juice](/thumbs/1600x0/@0.5x0.5/gfx/news/2024/Januari/231126-185050-REBELLiON_edmkevin-R52_9980-HR.jpg)