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Element about his new track: “This one’s for all those who push through”

Element is breaking new ground with his latest release, ‘Survive,’ available today on Scantraxx. In this emotionally charged track, Element delves into deeper subjects, without breaking away from his customary style. ‘Survive’ is a moment for Element to reflect on what is often taken for granted: survival.
Your new track is called ‘Survive’, which sounds like it has a deeper meaning behind it. Can you tell us something more about that?
“That’s right, on a personal level I have had some difficult times in my life. I suffered from serious depression when I was younger, which caused me to lose many friends. In addition, the Covid-period has also had a major impact. This resulted in a critical situation for myself, a hospital admission for my mother and the simultaneous death of my grandfather and grandmother during my 10-day anesthesia.
The track ‘Survive’ is a reminder for me. Even though you have been through bad times, at the moment of listening you are still there. You have fixed all the rotten, dark, gray and sad days. Your return on survival is 100%, no matter how bad or bad it may have looked for you. I think that is worth a moment of appreciation and realization.”
What message do you want to convey with the song?
“That it can sometimes be good for you to examine your bad and sad moments, especially when things are going well for you. Carrying on and persevering is one thing, but realizing that there were times when things went badly and you are now doing better is another. ‘Survive’ is my way of giving a pat on the back and a compliment to all die-hards that push through.
Particularly within this scene, it’s common for everyone to be enjoying the optimal atmosphere during a set. That makes sense, because that’s how it should be when you go to a great event. Yet there is much more going on in people, even though you don’t always see it. Text a friend, ask how they are really doing, how someone is really feeling. Talking helps and can literally mean the difference between life and death, even though many people underestimate this.”
Can you share some insights into the creative process behind the track?
“I’ve wanted to make a track about this subject for some time, but hadn’t found the right time yet. First I came up with the melody – once that was in place and I found the right vocals for it, the record quickly came to life. I touched a nerve within myself. With the foundation and vibe of the track, I immediately felt what ‘Survive’ had in me and what the intention of the record would be.
From there, it was mainly about ensuring that the separate parts in the track would together form a whole. The challenge with a track is often that separate segments have to go hand in hand to form one piece of music. The result is a song that has become very important to me personally.”

What makes ‘Survive’ a real Element track?
“Despite the fact that ‘Survive’ is slightly different from most tracks I have made so far, you can still hear that it is my record. It is not the first time that I have made a track with euphoric or emotional melodies, so it is not strange to the average Element listener in that respect. The trick is to ensure that you keep your horizons and types of tracks broad, while your own sound can be heard in a new production.”
How does the song differ from your previous tracks?
“My previous releases were ‘Bad Boyz’, ‘Dance’ and ‘Execute’ ft. Adjuzt. All extremely danceable records, but of course less with a message than ‘Survive’. Danceable records are the records that work best on the dance floor, but I also strongly believe in contrast and in telling your story through your music.
Now that I have worked myself up to a place where I am given a platform both literally and figuratively, I think it is important to occasionally address a more serious side and a personal subject. Where my previous tracks were mainly “mind at 0 and just dance”, ‘Survive’ is now more of a track of reflection and realization.”
At the moment, Element is working on a lot of new music that you can expect to hear at future events. Besides releasing new music, he is busy with big things for 2024. Stream ‘Survive’ now or download the track on Hardstyle.com.