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REBELLiON drops full lineup for special 10th indoor edition
Are you ready to celebrate a decade of REBELLiON?! On Saturday, November 23rd, 2024, thousands of RAW fanatics will return to Haaren, The Netherlands. "Our fire has been growing through nine previous uprisings, each one a step towards this ultimate REBELLiON. Witness the true strength of 20.000 REBELS come to life in our three massive areas." Today, the entire lineup for all three areas has been released.
"With three unique showcases, by our greatest REBEL Leaders, we are bound to break all known boundaries"
Last week, REBELLiON introduced its first REBEL leaders. Adaro will guide visitors through ten years of raw. Dual Damage has been designated as the leaders of the rebellion, showcasing their electrifying LIVE act to affirm their role in the next generation's defiance. Additionally, THE IMPULSE will be back on the mainstage with an intense, fast-paced, and ruthless live show by Mish and Warface LIVE.
Ready to see the rest of the lineup of the REBELLiON mainstage, the extra raw stage, and the boiler room filled with raw talents? View the complete list in the overview below.
REBELLiON Indoor Festival 2024 lineup
Area 1
Act of Rage // Adjuzt pres. LVLDUP // Barbaric Records LIVE // Bloodlust vs. Mutilator // Cardination vs. D-Venn // Deluzion // D-Sturb pres. High Power // Dual Damage LIVE // FRAW vs. The Straikerz // KRUELTY LIVE [NEW ALBUM PREMIERE] // Livid // OMNYA CARNAGE // Rebelion // REBELLiON X Years Show by Adaro // Rejecta vs. Unresolved // Sickmode // The Impulse by Mish & Warface LIVE // The Purge pres. BEYOND TRIPPIN' [THE LAST TRIP]
Area 2
BMBERJCK vs. Coldax // Collusion vs. Hard Destiny // Dark Entities // DEEZL // Element // Exproz // Faceless vs. The Smiler // Miss Isa // Noxiouz vs. Satirized // Sanctuary // So Juice vs. Sparkz // Unload // MC Flo
Area 3
Damaxy // Exoform // Heavy Resistance vs. Phantom // Infliction vs. Mortis // Madmize vs. Superior Core // Magistri // Required // Revelation // Vexxed // MC Barricade
Wonder what REBELLiON Indoor Festival has to offer? Last year, thousands of rebels stood their ground as the eclipse overtook the jungle of REBELLiON. It was the biggest RAW celebration of the year and truly unforgettable. View the short recap video below.
Buy tickets for REBELLiON Indoor Festival 2024
The 10th edition of REBELLiON Indoor Fesival will take place on November 23rd, 2024. "We call upon you to join our sacred ritual as we honour ten years of REBELLiON! This is our REBEL REVOLUTION, our largest indoor gathering ever!"
Starting this Thursday, July 25th, at 19:00, regular tickets for the event will be available. Thousands of pre-registered fans have already grabbed their tickets for the hardest indoor festival of the year, so act fast to get yours via the official website.

Header image via Facebook page REBELLiON