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Your guide on surviving a festival in the rain

You’ve bought your tickets months before. Now that the festival is approaching, you check the weather apps every hour. But the outcome is, unfortunately, that it's going to rain. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to a weekend festival or a day event - rain at the event sucks. How do you survive a festival in the rain? Hardstyle.com is here to the rescue.
Surviving a day festival in the rain
✦ Umbrellas, both big and small foldable, are forbidden at festivals. If you want to stay dry, it’s best to bring a poncho. We suggest investing in a sturdy one with thicker plastic instead of buying (and throwing away) multiple cheaper ones.
✦ If you don’t like carrying around a poncho all day, we highly recommend bringing a raincoat. Nowadays, raincoats can be very fashionable to incorporate into your festival outfit.
✦ One other accessory to spice up your festival outfit is a cap. It holds most raindrops out of your eyes, and you can easily take your cap off in a party tent.
✦ Dress according to the weather. We understand that you want to look your absolute best at a festival (we do too!) but ensure you don’t get too cold. Especially when it rains a lot, the temperature can cool down quite fast. You don’t want to catch a cold, so take care of yourself and wear enough clothes to keep you warm.
✦ It’s something that you easily forget about, but check if your shoes are waterproof. Nothing is worse than walking in wet shoes all day. Note: don’t bring your white shoes. They will get dirty, period.
✦ Bring extra clothing so you can freshen up if you get soaked. Nothing feels better than putting on fresh, dry socks after stepping into a puddle.
✦ Important for the girls: it may speak for itself, but go for waterproof make-up. You don’t want to look like Pedro (yes, the raccoon) after standing in the rain for a few minutes.
✦ Wear dark clothing on rainy festival days, as you can’t spot mud stains on darker clothes.
✦ Keep a positive attitude and embrace the experience, even when it’s raining. You can’t do anything about it, so you better make the most out of it. In the end, it’s just water.

Surviving a weekend festival in the rain
Are you going to a weekend festival? The day festival points above will also apply on weekend festivals, but for the warriors that will have an overnight stay at the campsite, we have some extra tips for you.
✦ Choose the right tent. Is your tent fully waterproof? Is it hole-free? Will it keep you dry during a cold, windy or rainy night? All these things are really important, so make sure to check your gear before heading to the festival.
✦ Bring a party tent. You can easily buy a cheap party tent to create a dry safe space at a festival. Set up your tent and make sure that the entrance is under the tent. On top of that, the party tent is a place where you can hang your wet clothes to dry.
✦ Use plastic bags to protect your electronics and other valuable items from water. Trash bags will do, but clear, see-through bags might be more convenient since you can see what’s in the bag before opening it.
✦ Bringing a few extra towels with you won’t hurt. So pack a few towels to dry yourself off if you get wet anyway.
✦ Your bag or suitcase might be full, but try to bring more dry clothing. It can be refreshing to wear a new, dry outfit when you’ve been standing in the middle of a very rainy cloud.
Images via Facebook page Shutdown Festival