EARSQUAKER Hard. Melodic. Euphoric. Marlon Weiss and Frank Kohnert - a producer team from Northern Germany - those are the guys behind the Hardstyle project „Earsquaker“. For more than a decade Marlon (aka Xelerator or Marlon White) and Frank Kohnert are already involved in the electronic music scene - each one for himself. Although they just live twenty miles apart their creative paths didn't cross until 2018. Already their first "musical blind date" showed how good and effective they compliment each other and it was instantly a logical conclusion that there will be a base for forthcoming musical projects - that's how the cornerstone for „Earsquaker“ was formed. And it was like a perfect musical symbiosis - like yin and yang... okay just kidding. ;) Since 2020 they released various remixes and singles - take a listen and have fun!
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