If you say Vasto you say a relentless amount of klaplongen. This young production machine joined the APEX Records brotherhood early 2020 and has proven himself since, flawlessly combing radiant, summer-like melodies with thunderous gated kicks and danceable breaks. Vasto has already build himself an impressive catalogue, having hits like 'ElektraWave', ‘The Brotherhood’ with the APEX crew, ‘Control’ with Chapter V, and the ‘Bassline Breaker’ project with Scarra! Next to being a machine in the studio, Vasto has also shown his worth with the impactful ‘Vasto LIVE’ shows at the Intents and Decibel. Along with massive performances on the biggest stages out there at events like Defqon.1, REBELLiON, Shockerz and EDC Mexico! Premiering his album and live-act ‘ElektraWave’ which has launched on the 29th of March, 2024 promises to be big for Vasto.
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